Posted in Conversation Classes

Tiger Mother Conversation Topic

tiger mum

This is a conversation activity based around Amy Chua the controversial author of the book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”, her guide to parenting using stricter Chinese methods. Below are the links to the prezi and two hand outs.


tiger mother example of technique

Tiger Mother quotes handout

Lesson Plan

First show the first slide of the prezi with the three quotes and have students discuss them as a class or in small groups.

Then tell show them the second slide and tell them that the three quotes are all from Amy Chua. Ask students if they have heard of her and encourage them to share their knowledge if they have.

Then give out the first handout (example of technique). Have the students read the story, go over any vocabulary issues and then have students discuss it using the questions on the 2nd slide.

Then have students discuss the quotes in the 3rd slide of the prezi or alternatively print out the second hand out (quotes) and use that for discussion.

Homework Suggestion

Students preparing for exams could write an article or essay based around Amy Chua and her techniques. A compare and contrast piece based around students opinions of her techniques compared to traditional western parenting.




Barcelona based English Teacher, blogger and sometime actor and director.

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