Posted in B2 First, Exam Preparation Class, Guest Posts, Listening Classes

B2: Halloween Special – Spoopy Season

This is a guest post by Soleil García Brito just in time for Halloween! Students learn about the concert of spoopy vs spooky things and the history of the jack-o-lantern. Download the handouts below:

  1. Describe the images and discuss:
  2. What are the similarities and differences between these two images?
  • Which of these images do you find the spookiest?
  • Reading and Use of English (Part 2)

Adapted from Merriam Webster – Words We’re Watching

The Inside Poop On ‘Spoopy’

Spoopy might startle people, especially around Halloween season. Perhaps it’s the resemblance (1) ______ spooky, which could lead you to believe the formation is nothing more (2) ______ a jaw-dropping typo. Or it could also be that it has poopy in it, which makes the spelling amusing to people (3) ______ enjoy bodily humour. This Internet sensation’s origin was a comical misspelling of the adjective spooky spotted on a department store’s Halloween sign written in a “skeletal” font and photographed. The image was (4) ______ uploaded to the Internet; in short order, spoopy (5) ______ viral. Essentially, the word is used to describe something that typically would be spooky, (6) ______ an image of a skeleton or ghost, but is actually rather comical. The word has other connotations (7) ______ well: it is sometimes used for things that are intended to be spooky but simply fail to scare, or it could describe something that blends cuteness (8) ______ spookiness in a grotesque way.

Watch the video (x2) until 5:17 and answer the following questions:

  1. According to the Youtuber’s previous views, why did people carve pumpkins?
    1. Because they wanted to scare others
    1. Because they didn’t like the taste of pumpkins
    1. Because there were too many pumpkins
  2. Why did the devil go to see Stingy Jack?
    1. To take him to hell
    1. So that he could have some drinks with him
    1. Because he admired him
  3. How did Stingy Jack avoid going to hell the first time?
    1. He trapped the devil in a silver cross
    1. He trapped the devil in his pocket
    1. He left the bar while the devil was paying
  4. Why did the devil climb up a tree?
    1. Because Jack was hungry
    1. Because he was hungry
    1. Because Jack threatened him with crosses
  5. The reason Jack wasn’t allowed in hell was…
    1. He wasn’t evil
    1. He made a deal with the devil
    1. God prohibited him from entering
  6. What does the legend say?
    1. That Jack is happy because he escaped hell
    1. Jack wanders through purgatory with a pumpkin
    1. Jack’s spirit appears in marshes on October 31st
  • Language focus

Watch the video again, complete the sentences below and match the words to their meanings:

  1. Well, it ___________ I was wrong about two things.
  2. A voice comes out ___________ to be Satan himself.
  3. Just ________ yourself ________ a silver coin.
  4. Jack’s soul was sent down to hell where the devil was _________ waiting.
  5. Was cursed to spend eternity __________ through the darkness or purgatory.
  6. Wandering aimlessly through the forests and ____________
Turns outWalking around slowly with no clear purpose or direction
ClaimingIn a way that shows a strong desire to do or have something
Turn (sth/sb) intoSaying that something is true or a fact
EagerlyTo be known or discovered finally and surprisingly
WanderingGround near a lake, a river, or the sea that is always wet
MarshesTo change, transform or develop from one thing to another
USEFUL IDIOMSTo be taken off guard The lesser of two evils
Posted in Advanced C1, B2 First, Conversation Classes, Proficiency

Where do you stand? Summer Edition

Is SUMMER about to truly start? - The Church Irish Bar Albir

This is a special summer edition of my “Where do you stand?” conversation series. Students decide to what extent they agree with different statements on the topic of summer activities and holidays and then share their views with their classmates. Download the PowerPoint and student handout below:

The PowerPoint has some quite advanced language for discussion on it. You may want to use this phrase sheet, designed with B2 students in mind, for lower levels.

Posted in Advanced C1, B2 First, Conversation Classes, Exam Preparation Class, Proficiency

Where do you stand? Education

aswar akka consultancy | How Important is Educational Management and  Organization?

This is another edition of my “Where do you Stand?” conversation series. Students debate different topics related to education but must rate their opinion on a scale from 1-6 before they begin the discussion. Download the PowerPoint and student handout below:

If you want to use it with B2 students you could use this phrase sheet.

Credit to Owlcation for some of the debate topics:

Posted in Conversation Classes, TED Talk Lesson Plans, Video Classes

TED Talk: Rita Pierson, Every Kid Needs a Champion

Image credit:

Follow me on twitter @RobbioDobbio

This is a conversation lesson plan based around Rita Pierson’s TED talk entitled: Every Kid Needs a Champion it’s suitable for C1+ although high B2s might be able to deal with it if you break the video up a bit. Download the handout below:

TED Rita Every child needs a champion

Have students watch the TED talk for homework or you can show it in class as it’s only 8 mins long. Then give out the handout and have students discuss it in small groups or as a class.



  1. What is the talk about?
  2. What did you think of the speaker?
  3. Was she easy to understand?
  4. What is her message?

Look at these quotes from the talk and discuss the questions below:

“And we know why kids drop out. We know why kids don’t learn. It’s either poverty, low attendance, negative peer influences… We know why.”

  • Which of these things do you think has the biggest impact on dropout rates?
  • What can be done to help?

“James Comer says that no significant learning can occur without a significant relationship.”

“George Washington Carver says all learning is understanding relationships.”

  • What is your interpretation of these quotes?
  • Do you agree with them?

A colleague said to me one time, “They don’t pay me to like the kids. They pay me to teach a lesson. The kids should learn it. I should teach it, they should learn it, Case closed.”

Well, I said to her, “You know, kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.”

  • What do you think of the teacher’s quotes? Do you agree?
  • Do students have to like their teacher to learn from them?

“How do I raise the self-esteem of a child and his academic achievement at the same time?”

  • How important is it that a teacher raises their students’ self-esteem?
  • What methods does Rita mention? What other ways can they do it?

“One year I came up with a bright idea. I told all my students, “You were chosen to be in my class because I am the best teacher and you are the best students, they put us all together so we could show everybody else how to do it.”

“I gave a quiz, 20 questions. A student missed 18. I put a “+2” on his paper and a big smiley face.”

  • What do you think of these methods? Do you think they would work?

“Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.”

  • What do you think of her message?
  • Did you have a “champion” when you were growing up? Who was it?
  • How can this message be put into practice?
Posted in Conversation Classes

School: Conversation Topic

Image credit: old-fashioned-school-room.jpg By Robert Weissberg

Follow me on twitter @RobbioDobbio

This is a conversation exercise for adult students (A2+) in which they talk about and compare their experiences at school. I have prepared this activity as a follow up to studying comparatives and superlatives so encourage students to compare their schools and personal experiences: Your school was stricter than mine.

Download the handout here:

School Conversation

Useful language:

We had to…

We weren’t allowed to…

We couldn’t…

We didn’t have to… (it wasn’t necessary)

(noun/gerund)… was compulsory

(noun/gerund)… was prohibited

Discussion questions

Put students into groups of 2-4 and have them discuss the questions and then feedback/report what they’ve learnt from their classmates to the rest of the class. For small groups conduct the discussion as a class.

  1. Where did you go to school?
  2. Can you describe your school?
  3. Did you have to wear a uniform? If so, what did it consist of?
  4. What time did you have to start school?
  5. What were the rules at your school?
  • We had to…
  • We weren’t allowed to…
  • We couldn’t…
  • (noun/gerund)… was compulsory
  • (noun/gerund)… was prohibited/against the rules.
  1. Did you eat lunch at school?
  2. Who was the best teacher you had at school? Why?
  3. Who was the strictest teacher you had at school?
  4. What was your favourite subject?
  5. What was your least favourite subject?
  6. Describe a typical day at your school.
  7. What facilities did your school have? (gymnasium, swimming pool etc.)
  8. Have you been to your school recently? How much has it changed?
  9. Would you send your children to the same school?
  10. What things have changed for the better?
  11. What things have changed for the worse?
  12. Who was your best friend at school?
  13. Are you still friends with them now?
  14. Do you think school is easier or more difficult nowadays? Why?

Homework: Write an essay comparing and contrasting modern schools to schools in the past. Or a “day in the life” description of your school experience.

Posted in Conversation Classes, Video Classes

TED talk: Sir Ken Robinson, How schools kill creativity

Follow me on twitter @RobbioDobbio

This is another TED Talk lesson, this time based around Sir Ken Robinson’s fascinating talk on creativity in the education system. Please find an annotated transcript below. All I’ve done is underlined some interesting points he makes and vocabulary he uses, you can use them as a jumping off point for class discussion or simply mine them for useful vocabulary.

Ken Robinson TED annotated transcript

Posted in Conversation Classes, Video Classes

TED Talk: Ricardo Semler, How to run a company with (almost) no rules

This is a lesson plan based on Ricardo Semler’s TED talk: How to run a company with (almost) no rules

Have students watch the talk for homework or alternatively you can watch it in class. Give them copies of the annotated transcript. Basically I’ve just underlined interesting points he makes or vocabulary he uses. Use the underlined sections to generate discussion or mine them for vocabulary.

Ricard Semler TED annotated transcript

Posted in Conversation Classes, Video Classes

TED talks lesson: Logan Laplante on “Hack-schooling”

This is a discussion class for higher levels (high B2 – C2) based around the Logan Laplante’s TED talk video on “hack-schooling” a form of home schooling based round applicable skills and hands-on experience.

The video is 11 minutes long so I set it for homework the lesson before so that students could watch and rewatch as many times as they needed to fully understand it. Alternatively, you could watch it in class if you have time.


Logan uses some skier/skater American slang, for example:

To be stoked – to be excited about/interested in something

to be bummed out – to be annoyed/disappointed

Other vocab that might need highlighting:

To log out of reality – to escape from reality

mashup – a mixture/fusion of different elements

hacker mindset – a mindset is a set of attitudes a person has

Discussion questions

  1. What was your first impression of Logan?
  2. How old is he?
  3. Is he a typical 13 year old?
  4. What are the 8 keys to happiness? (Exercise/diet and nutrition/time in nature/contribution and service to others/relationships/recreation/religious and spiritual)
  5. What do you think of this idea?
  6. How does he define a “hacker”? (A person who changes and improves established systems)
  7. What is “hack-schooling”? (opportunistic learning that doesn’t follow a curriculum with no fixed structure)
  8. What do you think of this idea?
  9. How and what does Logan learn?
  10. Is it for everyone?
  11. Is it only for people from a privileged background?
  12. “Schools are orientated towards making a living rather than making a life” What do you think of this statement? Do you agree?
  13. Do students today learn applicable skills?
  14. What do you think Logan is going to be when he grows up?
  15. What would your friends say if you pulled your children out of school?


Put students in pairs of groups of 3 and have them role play the last question, student A has decided to pull their kids out of school to teach them at home, student B thinks they are crazy!


“The education system does not prepare students for life.”

Split group in to two groups, 1 in support and 1 against the motion. Follow standard debate structure, 2 minute opening arguments, rebuttals etc.

Posted in Exam Preparation Class, Grammar Classes

CAE / CPE Expressions for Key Word Transformations

Just a quick note…

Before you use these materials… We’ve created a new podcast aimed at B2+ level English students and teachers alike. You can listen for free at our SoundCloud page below. You can download teacher’s notes to accompany them from our Facebook page or from this blog. All comments and feedback welcome! Give us a like and a share 😉

This is a worksheet to practice typical phrases and expressions that come up in key word transformations in both CAE and CPE. They are also very useful for writings.

Students rewrite the sentences using the word given in capitals.

Download the worksheet from here:!388&authkey=!AAlKmGNu1itRsP0

Here’s a link to a quizlet flashcard set that can be used for preteaching or revision:

  1.  “Do you want to go and see the new play?” Petra asked her friend
    Petra asked her friend whether…………………………………… see the new play.
  2.  Pat does not intend to have a holiday this year
    Pat has …………………………………………………….. on holiday this year.
  3. Lisa was about to leave the house when.. (POINT)
  4. I think learning to use a typewriter is a waste of time (POINT)
  5. A number of sporting events had to be cancelled owing to bad weather. (LED)
  6. When it comes to computer games, Gareth is a real expert. (CONCERNED)
  7. Carlos really should get someone to mend his bike. (HIGH)
  8. The company has a good reputation in the local area (HIGHLY)
  9. Do you think Pablo is likely to win the competition? (CHANCE)
  10. I’ve been greatly impressed by the way Jasper deals with problems (MADE)
  11. Darius soon recovered after the operation (MADE)
  12. I think the weather will improve next week. (CHANGE)
  13. Pheobe was surprised to be offered a place on the course (CAME)
  14. It’s so difficult to create new ideas for the festival every year (COME)
  15. The company is almost certain to get the contract (EVERY)
  16. Sven would have called yesterday if he had had more time (SHORT)
  17. Many people believe that Garcia has the ability to become world champion (CAPABLE)
  18. In his speech, the Principal did not mention the new language courses. (REFERENCE)
  19. Sam never thought of asking me for my advice (OCCURRED)
  20. Despite all their efforts, they could not get the old car to start (HARD)
  21. “I’m sorry, but there’s no way I’m going to sleep on the floor” said Maria. (CLEAR)
  22. “Remember to write or phone,” Marta said as she waved goodbye (TOUCH)
  23. Simon really ought to make a decision about his future (MIND)
  24. If you don’t pay on time, your booking will be cancelled (RESULT)
  25. I’m sure Gemma is going to become a famous model one day (MATTER)
  26. Barbara’s parents were certain that she would be a great tennis player (DOUBT)
  27. The company isn’t able to guarantee an allocated car parking space to all employees (COUNT)
  28. Daisy said that she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude (PUT)


she was interested in going “Do you want to go and see the new play?” Petra asked her friend
Petra asked her friend whether…………………………………… see the new play.
no intention of going Pat does not intend to have a holiday this year
Pat has …………………………………………………….. on holiday this year.
Lisa was ON THE POINT OF LEAVING the house when. Lisa was about to leave the house when.. (POINT)
I think THERE’S NO POINT learning to use a typewriter. I think learning to use a typewriter is a waste of time (POINT)
The bad weather LED TO THE CANCELLATION OF a number of sporting events. A number of sporting events had to be cancelled owing to bad weather. (LED)
AS FAR AS COMPUTER GAMES ARE CONCERNED, Gareth is a real expert. When it comes to computer games, Gareth is a real expert. (CONCERNED)
IT’S HIGH TIME CARLOS GOT someone to mend his bike. Carlos really should get someone to mend his bike. (HIGH)
The company is HIGHLY REGARDED in the local area. The company has a good reputation in the local area (HIGHLY)
Do you think Pablo STANDS A CHANCE OF WINNING the competition? Do you think Pablo is likely to win the competition? (CHANCE)
The way Jasper deals with problems has MADE A GREAT IMPRESSION ON ME. I’ve been greatly impressed by the way Jasper deals with problems (MADE)
Darius soon MADE A (FULL) RECOVERY after the operation. Darius soon recovered after the operation (MADE)
I think the weather will CHANGE FOR THE BETTER next week. I think the weather will improve next week. (CHANGE)
The offer of a place on the course CAME AS A SURPRISE TO Phoebe. Pheobe was surprised to be offered a place on the course (CAME)
It’s so difficult to COME UP WITH new ideas for the festival every year. It’s so difficult to create new ideas for the festival every year (COME)
The company HAS EVERY CHANCE OF GETTING the contract. The company is almost certain to get the contract (EVERY)
Sven would have called yesterday if he hadn’t been SHORT ON / OF TIME. Sven would have called yesterday if he had had more time (SHORT)
Many people believe that Garcia IS CAPABLE OF BECOMING world champion. Many people believe that Garcia has the ability to become world champion (CAPABLE)
In his speech, the Principal MADE NO REFERENCE TO the new language courses. In his speech, the Principal did not mention the new language courses. (REFERENCE)
IT NEVER OCCURRED TO SAM TO ASK me for advice. Sam never thought of asking me for my advice (OCCURRED)
NO MATTER HOW HARD THEY TRIED, they could not get the old car to start. Despite all their efforts, they could not get the old car to start (HARD)
Maria MADE IT CLEAR THAT she wasn’t going to sleep on the floor. “I’m sorry, but there’s no way I’m going to sleep on the floor” said Maria. (CLEAR)
“Remember KEEP IN TOUCH,” Marta said as she waved goodbye. “Remember to write or phone,” Marta said as she waved goodbye (TOUCH)
Simon really ought to MAKE UP HIS MIND about his future. Simon really ought to make a decision about his future (MIND)
Not paying in time WILL RESULT IN YOUR BOOKING BEING CANCELLED. If you don’t pay on time, your booking will be cancelled (RESULT)
I´m sure IT’S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE Gemma becomes a famous model. I’m sure Gemma is going to become a famous model one day (MATTER)
Barbara’s parents HAD NO DOUBT that she would be a great tennis player. Barbara’s parents were certain that she would be a great tennis player (DOUBT)
Employees CANNOT COUNT ON HAVING an allocated car parking space. The company isn’t able to guarantee an allocated car parking space to all employees (COUNT)
Daisy said that she would no longer PUT UP WITH her colleagues being rude. Daisy said that she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude (PUT)
was on the point of calling Sven was about to call the police when the burglar stopped trying to open the window and ran away.
Sven ……………………………………………… the police when the burglar stopped trying to open the window and ran away.
Posted in Conversation Classes, Reading Classes, Vocabulary Classes

Proficiency Book Club: The Waterfall by H E Bates

short stories

This is a series of lesson plans for proficiency level students based around stories from “The Oxford Book of English Short Stories” edited by A. S. Byatt. Set the story as homework the week before, encourage students to bring any vocabulary questions to class.

The Waterfall tells the story of a repressed reverend’s daughter trying to cope with the emotions and sentiments of life and love. These feelings are symbolised by the waterfall in her garden which is being renovated. The breaking of the damn and the water surging down the waterfall could symbolise the release of all her bottled up affections and feelings towards her husband and the jovial Mr. Phillips who has been staying with the family.

Download this lesson plan here:!383&authkey=!AJRdYjvoRf1OhyM


First copy to the board or project the vocabulary table in the attachment above, students must try to match the new vocab to the definition.

Key: 1 – g, 2 – d, 3 – a, 4 – b, 5 – j, 6 – e, 7 – f, 8 – I, 9 – h, 10 – c.

Once they have matched the vocab give them 5 minutes to find the vocabulary in the text, make it a race, the first team to find all 10 wins.

Then discuss the following discussion questions:

Discussion Questions:

  • What happens in the story?
  • How would you describe the characters? Straight-laced. Prim and proper, repressed, damaged,
  • What does the waterfall represent?
  • How do you feel about Rose? Do you sympathise with her?
  • How do you think she feels about her new husband?
  • How do you think she feels about Phillips?
  • Do you think people are more or less emotionally repressed these days?
  • Do you think this is a good or bad thing?